Rodrigo defended his thesis - Congrats Dr. Tapia-Hernandez!
🎓 Rodrigo has successfully defended his PhD thesis! Rodrigo's work has opened newer avenues in the lab, especially in the field of...

Laura, Justin and Harshika ranked excellent TAs by their students Fall 2023
Last semester Laura TAed for CHEM 232, Justin TAed fro CHEM 233 and Harshika TAed for CHEM 102, and were ranked excellent by their...

Suri won the Best Poster Award in Stoesser Lecture in Chemistry Poster Session!
Suri recently presented his work on "Activity-Based Nitric Oxide-Responsive Porphyrin for Site-Selective and Nascent Cancer Ablation" at...

Suri's paper is published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces!
Activity-Based Nitric Oxide-Responsive Porphyrin for Site-Selective and Nascent Cancer Ablation Nitric oxide (NO) generated within the...

Katie defended her thesis - Congrats Dr. Brady!
🎓 Katie has successfully defended her PhD thesis! Katie's work has opened newer avenues in the lab, especially photodynamic therapy....

Joe Won the Inaugural 2023 ACS Pride-Merck Graduate Research Award
We are thrilled to share that Joe has been chosen as one of the seven awardees of the inaugural ACS Pride-Merck Graduate Research Award....

Lily wins Research Support Grant and Outstanding Presentation Award!
Lily was recently awarded the 2023 Fall Research Support Grant (RSG) sponsored by the office of undergraduate research (OUR). Not just...

Michael successfully defended his thesis!
Michael successfully defended his PhD thesis. Heartiest congratulations Dr. Lee! Thesis title: Development of Chemical Tools for...

Welcome Harshika!
We are excited to announce that Harshika Varadhan has joined the Chan Lab! Brief bio: Harshika is a first-year chemical biology student...

Welcome Laura!
We are excited to announce that Laura Bickart has joined the Chan Lab! Brief bio: Laura is from Elmore Vermont, and graduated with a BA...