FOUND! The Chan Lab has it's new logo!
A big thank you goes out to all the talented designers that submitted entries to the Chan Lab logo search. We received a grand total of...

Pallets of New Lab Equipment
With the official start of the Chan Lab looming in the near future, it was so exciting to see the multiple pallets of new equipment for...

Great Company and a Great Start!
Thank you for such a great evening Jennifer, Rehab and Robert. It was great to finally meet you face to face. Only a few more weeks and...

Zoom! Time flies. April 15 is fast approaching!
It has been great meeting everyone at the various recruitment weekends - nothing but talent and enthusiasm. With April 15 fast...

3, 2, 1 Blast off! The #CHANLAB site is up and running!
Welcome! We are so excited to share with you all the happenings of the Chan Lab. Thanks for visiting! #chanlab #welcome