Lucas Akin
BSc Chemistry, University of Texas at Austin
BSc Biochemistry, University of Texas at Austin
PhD Student in Chemistry (Chemical Biology)
Beckman Institute Graduate Fellow
3. Crittenden, C.M.; Morrison, L.J.; Fitzpatrick, M.D.; Myers, A.P.; Novelli, E.T.; Rosenberg, J.; Akin, L.D.; Srinivasa, V.; Shear, J.B.; Brodbelt, J.S. Mapping the electrostatic interactions between Kdo2-lipid A and cationic antimicrobial peptides via ultraviolet photodissociation mass spectrometry. Analyst 2018, 143, 3607-3618.
​2. Crittenden CM, Akin LD, Morrison LJ, Trent MS, Brodbelt JS. Characterization of Lipid A Variants by Energy-Resolved Mass Spectrometry: Impact of Acyl Chains. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2017, 28, 1118-1126.
1. Crittenden CM, Parker WR, Jenner ZB, Bruns KA, Akin LD, McGee WM, Ciccimaro E, Brodbelt JS. Exploitation of the Ornithine Effect Enhances Characterization of Stapled and Cyclic Peptides. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2016, 27, 856-863.
Select Awards
7. Department of Chemistry Teaching Excellence Fellowship (2019)
6. TiMe Symposium Award for Outstanding Poster Presentation (2019)
5. UIUC School of Chemical Sciences Teaching Award (2018)
4. St. David’s Neal Kocurek Scholarship for Graduate Research (2017)
​3. University of Texas Undergraduate Research Award (2016)
2. Amgen Research Scholarship (MIT/Harvard) (2015)
1. Mayo Clinic Summer Research Scholarship – Cancer Biology (2014)