Lukas Smaga
Diploma Thesis (MSc) Nanostructure and Molecular Science, University of Kassel
PhD Student in Chemistry (Chemical Biology)
6. East AK, Lee MC, Smaga LP, Jiang C, Mallojjala SC, Hirschi JS, Chan J. Synthesis of silicon-substituted hemicyanines for multimodal SWIR imaging. Org. Lett. 2022, 24, 46, 8509–8513.
5. Smaga LP, Pino NW, Ibarra GE, Krishnamurthy V, Chan J. A photoactivatable formaldehyde donor with fluorescence monitoring reveals threshold to arrest cell migration. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 2, 680-684.
4. Jeng G, Li W, Smaga LP, Sottos NR and Chan, J. Damage-responsive microcapsules for amplified photoacoustic detection of microcracks in polymers. Chem. Mater. 2018, 30, 2198-2202.
3. Zhang JJ, Smaga LP, Satyavolu NSR, Chan J, Lu Y. DNA aptamer-based activatable probes for photoacoustic imaging in living mice. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 17225–17228.
2. Krishnamoorthy L, Cotruvo Jr JA, Chan J, Kaluarachchi H, Muchenditsi A, Pendyala VS, Jia S, Aron AT, Ackerman CM, Vander Wal MN, Guan T, Smaga LP, Farhi SL, New EJ, Lutsenko S, Chang CJ. Copper regulates cyclic-AMP-dependent lipolysis. Nat. Chem. Biol. 2016, 12, 586–592.
1. Li H, Zhang P, Smaga LP, Hoffman RA, Chan J. Photoacoustic probes for ratiometric imaging of copper(II). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 15628-15631.
Select Awards
3. Zumdahl Teaching Excellence Award (2015)
2. German Chemical Society 44th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress Travel Grant (2013)
1. Scholarship of the German National Scholarship Foundation (2011-14)